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Google Books


Science, Religion and Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Controversy is an encyclopedia exploring the historical and contemporary controversies between science and religion. The encyclopedia is designed to offer multicultural and multi-religious views, and provide wide-ranging perspectives. The encyclopedia covers all aspects of the religion and science dichotomy, from humanities to social sciences to natural sciences, and includes articles by theologians, religion scholars, physicians, scientists, historians, and psychologists. It is edited by Arri Eisen and Gary Laderman, and published by Taylor & Francis.


What is the title of the book?
The title of the book is "Science, Religion, and Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Controversy".

Who are the authors and editors of the book?
The authors and editors of the book are Arri Eisen and Gary Laderman.

What aspects of the science and religion dichotomy does the book cover?
The book covers all aspects of the science and religion dichotomy, from humanities to social sciences to natural sciences.

What is the publisher of the book?
The publisher of the book is Taylor & Francis.

What topics are covered in the book?
The topics covered in the book include creation, the cosmos, and origins of the universe; ecology, evolution, and the natural world; consciousness, mind, and the brain; healers and healing; dying and death; and genetics and religion.

AI Comments

👍 This comprehensive encyclopedia provides an in-depth exploration into the historical and contemporary controversies between science and religion. It offers an incredible array of perspectives and is written by leading scholars in the field.

👎 The price of this book is quite expensive and may be prohibitive for some readers. The digital version is also much more expensive than the printed version.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about an encyclopedia exploring the historical and contemporary controversies between science and religion. It looks at all aspects of the religion and science dichotomy, from humanities to social sciences to natural sciences. It has essays by theologians, religion scholars, physicians, scientists, historians, and psychologists.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, this article reflects the ongoing debate between science and religion. It shows how difficult it can be to reconcile the two seemingly opposing views. It also highlights the importance of having a wide range of perspectives when considering this debate. Furthermore, it suggests that there is a need for more dialogue and understanding between both sides in order to move forward.

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Technical terms

Google Books
Google Books is an online service provided by Google that allows users to search and preview books from publishers and libraries around the world.
Advanced search
Advanced search is a feature of many search engines that allows users to refine their search results by specifying additional criteria such as keywords, author, date, and language.
Send feedback
Send feedback is a feature of many websites and applications that allows users to provide feedback or suggestions to the developers or creators of the website or application.
Report an issue
Report an issue is a feature of many websites and applications that allows users to report any problems or issues they may have encountered while using the website or application.
ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number and is a unique identifier for books.
Page count
Page count is the total number of pages in a book.
Publisher is the company or organization that publishes a book.
Language is the language in which a book is written.
Author is the person who wrote the book.
Editors are the people who edited the book.
Table of contents
Table of contents is a list of the chapters and sections of a book.
Create citation
Create citation is a feature of many websites and applications that allows users to generate a citation for a book in a specific format.

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