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Disprosiu este un element chimic cu simbolul Dy si numarul atomic 66. Caracteristicile sale includ o masa atomica de 162,5 g/mol, o densitate de 8,56 g/cm³ la 20°C, un punct de topire de 1409°C si un punct de fierbere de 2335°C. Elementul are numere de oxidare de 3 si 4 si o electronegativitate de 1,72. Structura cristalina a elementului este hexagonala. Sunt incluse si legaturi externe catre tabelul periodic al elementelor, precum si alte informatii despre elementul chimic.


What is the symbol for Disprosiu?
The symbol for Disprosiu is Dy.

What are the physical characteristics of Disprosiu?
The physical characteristics of Disprosiu are atomic mass of 162.5 g/mol, density of 8.56 g/cm³, melting point of 1409°C, boiling point of 2335°C, oxidation numbers of 3 and 4, electronegativity of 1.72, and crystal structure of hexagonal.

What is the density of Disprosiu at 20°C?
The density of Disprosiu at 20°C is 8.56 g/cm³.

What is the melting point of Disprosiu?
The melting point of Disprosiu is 1409°C.

What is the boiling point of Disprosiu?
The boiling point of Disprosiu is 2335°C.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an incredibly comprehensive overview of Disprosiu, including its symbol, atomic number, mass, density, melting point, boiling point, oxidation numbers, and much more.

👎 This article is very long and contains a lot of technical information that may be difficult for some readers to understand.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Disprosium (Dy), which is an element on the periodic table. It includes a lot of information about its properties and characteristics, as well as some other elements on the table.

Friend: Wow, that's a lot of information! What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the periodic table and its elements. It provides a comprehensive overview of Disprosium, as well as other elements, and their properties. It also provides information about how the element interacts with other elements, which can be useful for research. Finally, the article provides a great way to understand the periodic table and its elements in a more comprehensive way.

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Technical terms

Disprosiu (symbol Dy) is a chemical element with atomic number 66. It was discovered by Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran in 1886.
Masa atomica
Atomic mass, the mass of an atom of a particular element.
Density, the mass per unit volume of a substance.
Punctul de topire
Melting point, the temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid.
Punctul de fierbere
Boiling point, the temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas.
Numerele de oxidare
Oxidation numbers, the charge of an atom in a molecule.
Electronegativity, the ability of an atom to attract electrons.
Structura cristalina
Crystal structure, the arrangement of atoms in a crystal.
Duritatea pe scara Mohs
Mohs hardness, the resistance of a material to being scratched.
Starea naturala
Natural state, the form in which an element is found in nature.
Xenon, a chemical element with atomic number 54.
nivelul de energie
Energy level, the amount of energy an electron has in an atom.
Numar de oxidare
Oxidation number, the charge of an atom in a molecule.
Oxide, a compound of oxygen with another element.
Structura cristalina
Crystal structure, the arrangement of atoms in a crystal.
Faza ordinara
Ordinary phase, the state of matter in which a substance is most commonly found.
Punct de topire
Melting point, the temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid.
Punct de fierbere
Boiling point, the temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas.
Energie de fuziune
Fusion energy, the energy released when two atoms combine to form a single atom.
Energie de evaporare
Evaporation energy, the energy released when a liquid changes to a gas.
Temperatura critica
Critical temperature, the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas.
Presiune critica
Critical pressure, the pressure at which a substance changes from a liquid

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