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L’immigration coute plus qu’elle ne rapporte


Cet article discute du rapport entre les dépenses et les recettes engendrées par l'immigration en 2023. Il affirme que l'immigration coûte cher au contribuable: 53,9 milliards par an. Il a le grand mérite de fournir des données objectives dans un domaine qui en manque. Le directeur de Contribuables Associes affirme que l'immigration doit être traitée au même titre que la dette, les dépenses publiques, la fiscalité ou encore les gaspillages. Cet article est réservé aux abonnés.


What is the purpose of the study conducted by Jean-Paul Gourevitch for Contribuables Associes?
The purpose of the study conducted by Jean-Paul Gourevitch for Contribuables Associes is to provide factual and numerical data on the relationship between expenses and revenues generated by immigration in 2023.

How much does immigration cost France annually?
Immigration costs France 53.9 billion euros annually.

What are the dimensions of immigration discussed in the study?
The dimensions of immigration discussed in the study are factual and numerical data.

What does the director of Contribuables Associes, Benoit Perrin, state about immigration?
The director of Contribuables Associes, Benoit Perrin, states that immigration should be treated the same as debt, public spending, taxation, and waste.

What must be done to access the full article?
To access the full article, one must subscribe or purchase a test for 0.99 euros.

AI Comments

👍 Cet article offre une analyse factuelle et chiffrée sur l'impact de l'immigration en France, qui est très utile pour nourrir le débat sur le sujet.

👎 Cet article est réservé aux abonnés, ce qui veut dire qu'il n'est pas accessible à tous ceux qui cherchent à en apprendre plus sur le sujet.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the cost of immigration and how it costs more than it brings in. It looks at the financial implications of immigration in France in 2023.

Friend: That's interesting. What do they conclude?

Me: They conclude that immigration costs the French taxpayer over 53 billion euros a year, which is more than four times the budget of the country. It also suggests that immigration has a negative effect on France's economy, which is something that has been argued by people on the political right for a long time.

Friend: That's a significant amount of money. It's worrying to think that immigration might be having a negative impact on the economy. It raises questions about how to manage immigration and whether changes should be made to the current system. It also highlights the need for more comprehensive data and research into the impact of immigration on France.

Action items

Technical terms

The process of people entering a country to live and work there.
Expenditures, or money spent.
Revenues, or money earned.
A study or research project.
A phenomenon, or an event or occurrence that can be observed and studied.
Data, or information collected for analysis.
A taxpayer, or someone who pays taxes.
Wasteful spending, or spending that is not necessary or beneficial.
A subscriber, or someone who pays for access to a service or product.

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