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Vytauto Didziojo universiteto studentai gali prisijungti prie virtualios mokymo aplinkos naudodami savo naudotojo varda (vardas.pavarde) ir slaptazodi, kuris yra toks pat, kuris naudojamas universiteto el. pasto dėžutėje. Norint pakeisti ar atkurti prarastą slaptažodį, studentai gali naudoti pagalbos svetainę. Jei yra problemų susijusių su prieiga prie aplinkos, studentai gali kreiptis į studentų pagalbą.


How do I log in to the VMU Virtual Learning Environment?
Log in to the VMU Virtual Learning Environment by entering your Vytauto Didziojo Universiteto username and password and clicking "Login".

What is my username for Vytauto Didziojo Universiteto?
Your username for Vytauto Didziojo Universiteto is your name and surname (name.surname).

How do I change or reset my password?
To change or reset your password, go to https://support.vdu.lt/ → Change your password.

How do I access the Moodle course?
To access the Moodle course, refer to the VDU Moodle student guide.

How can I contact the student support if I have any problems connecting to VMU Moodle?
To contact the student support if you have any problems connecting to VMU Moodle, fill out the contact form at http://studyonline.lt/en/vmu-students/.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides clear and helpful instructions on how to access the Vytauto Didziojo Universiteto Moodle course. It also gives clear instructions on how to change or reset one's password.

👎 The article does not provide any information on how to access the library or Microsoft Office 365.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the services offered by Vytautas Magnus University. They provide a student portal, Microsoft Office 365, library, and other support services. They also provide instructions on how to log in to the Moodle course and how to change or reset your password.

Friend: That's great! It's really helpful for students if they can access all the services offered by the university. It makes their studies much easier.

Me: Yes, absolutely. It's also great that the university provides support services to help students if they have any issues logging in or finding their courses. That's really helpful.

Action items

Technical terms

Microsoft Outlook is an email and calendar application.
Open studies
Open studies are courses that are available to the public and do not require any prerequisites.
Student portal
A student portal is an online platform that provides students with access to academic resources, such as course materials, grades, and other information.
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud-based suite of productivity tools, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.
A library is a collection of books, periodicals, and other materials that are available for use by the public.
Pasto sistema
Pasto sistema is a Lithuanian term for an email system.
Atviros e-studijos
Atviros e-studijos is a Lithuanian term for open studies.
Savitarnos portalas
Savitarnos portalas is a Lithuanian term for a student portal.
Naudotojo vardas
Naudotojo vardas is a Lithuanian term for username.
Slaptazodis is a Lithuanian term for password.

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