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Connectedness & Health: The Science of Social Connection


Social connection has many important benefits for physical and mental health, including increased longevity, better immune system functioning, faster recovery from illness, lower levels of anxiety and depression, higher self-esteem, increased empathy, and more trust and cooperation from those around us. Unfortunately, social connection is on the decline in the US, leading to increased rates of loneliness, isolation, and alienation. We can increase our feelings of social connectedness through various methods, even if we have few friends or none at all.


What are the positive effects of strong social connection?
Strong social connection leads to a 50% increased chance of longevity, strengthens the immune system, helps with recovery from disease, lowers levels of anxiety and depression, increases self-esteem, increases empathy for others, and makes others more open to trusting and cooperating.

How does lack of social connection impact physical and mental health?
Lack of social connection is associated with declines in physical and psychological health as well as a higher likelihood for antisocial behavior that leads to further isolation.

Is loneliness on the rise?
Yes, loneliness is on the rise.

What is the modal number of close others Americans claimed to have in 1985?
The modal number of close others Americans claimed to have in 1985 was three.

What are some ways to increase feelings of connectedness?
Ways to increase feelings of connectedness include spending time with friends and family, engaging in meaningful activities, volunteering, and practicing self-compassion.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an excellent overview of the science behind the importance of social connection and its impact on physical and mental health. It also contains useful tips for increasing feelings of connectedness.

👎 This article fails to address how to create meaningful social connections in an increasingly digital world.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how strong social connection is key for physical health and mental and emotional well-being. It even goes so far as to say that lack of social connection is a greater detriment to health than obesity, smoking and high blood pressure. It's really interesting!

Friend: Wow, that's really eye-opening. It makes a lot of sense though - mental health and physical health are so closely linked.

Me: Absolutely! The article also talks about how research has shown that loneliness is on the rise, and how lack of social connection can lead to anxiety, depression, antisocial behavior, and even suicidal behaviors. It's really concerning and it's something we should be aware of.

Friend: Yeah, that's really concerning. It's so important to foster meaningful relationships and stay connected with people. It's so vital for our health and happiness!

Action items

Technical terms

The state of being connected or related to something.
The length of time something or someone exists or lasts.
Immune System
The body's natural defense system against disease and infection.
The body's response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, and pain.
A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
A mental health disorder characterized by persistently low mood and a feeling of sadness and loss of interest.
Confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect.
The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.
The process of working together to the same end.
Antisocial Behavior
Behavior that violates the rights of others or is considered disruptive or inappropriate.
The feeling of being alone and isolated.
The feeling of being isolated from a group or an activity to which one should belong or in which one should be involved.

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