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The Social Muscle


This article discusses the concept of social fitness, which is the idea that people can improve their social well-being through exercises like doing small favors, unplugging from screens, and reaching out to people. It discusses how this concept has been applied to the U.S. Army, where a five-year study found that social fitness training reduced loneliness and improved well-being in soldiers. The article then suggests that similar approaches could be used in the workplace, where loneliness is also a growing problem. It offers several simple tools that managers and individuals can use to decrease social isolation, such as consciously choosing to be social, doing small favors, working together, reaching out to people, and just saying hello.


What is the purpose of the social fitness training program developed by John T. Cacioppo and Stephanie Cacioppo?
The purpose of the social fitness training program developed by John T. Cacioppo and Stephanie Cacioppo is to reduce loneliness and improve well-being in soldiers.

What are the key benefits of social fitness training?
The key benefits of social fitness training are reduced loneliness and improved well-being.

What are the steps that can be taken to combat loneliness in the workplace?
Steps that can be taken to combat loneliness in the workplace include unplugging, doing small favors, working together, reaching out, and saying hello.

How can managers reduce social isolation in the workplace?
Managers can reduce social isolation in the workplace by encouraging collaboration, fostering diversity of thought, and creating opportunities for positive social interactions.

What are the negative effects of loneliness and social isolation on individuals, organizations, and society?
The negative effects of loneliness and social isolation on individuals, organizations, and society include decreased productivity, innovation, and organizational commitment, as well as increased risk of adverse health outcomes.

AI Comments

👍 The article provides an interesting perspective on how social fitness training can help reduce loneliness and improve well-being.

👎 The article does not address the issue of loneliness in the workplace and does not provide any practical solutions to combat it.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the physical and psychological effects of loneliness and social isolation in the workplace. It talks about how loneliness is contagious and how it affects productivity, innovation, and organizational commitment. It also talks about how the U.S. Army developed a program focused on social resilience and social fitness to combat loneliness among soldiers.

Friend: That's really interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article highlights how loneliness and social isolation can have a substantial negative impact on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. It also highlights the importance of developing social fitness regimens designed to reverse the negative effects of loneliness in the workplace. This could be done through unplugging from screens and devices, doing small favors to create reciprocity, working together, reaching out to people on different levels, and simply saying hello. These small steps can help strengthen the social muscle and help combat loneliness in the workplace.

Action items

Technical terms

Emotional Intelligence
The ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.
Social Fitness
The ability to develop and sustain positive relationships, adapt to social challenges, and recover and grow from personal and social adversity.
A feeling of being isolated or disconnected from others.
Social Isolation
A state of being separated from other people or cut off from social interaction.
Ventral Striatal Regions
A part of the brain associated with reward and pleasure.
Dopamine Receptors
Proteins that bind to the neurotransmitter dopamine and are involved in the regulation of reward-motivated behavior.
The practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit.
Catastrophic Thinking
A cognitive process in which a person interprets a situation as being much worse than it actually is.

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