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Pour finaliser le rachat d’Activision Blizzard, Microsoft en appelle a Ubisoft


Microsoft a fait une proposition amendée à l'autorité britannique de la concurrence afin de pouvoir finaliser le rachat d'Activision Blizzard. La proposition implique que Microsoft renonce à acquérir les droits d'accès en streaming des jeux existants et futurs d'Activision Blizzard et que ces droits soient vendus à Ubisoft, qui pourra alors commercialiser ces licences. Cela garantit que Microsoft ne pourra pas réserver uniquement ces licences à ses utilisateurs. La CMA doit décider si cette proposition est suffisante d'ici le 18 octobre.


What is Microsoft attempting to do?
Microsoft is attempting to finalize the acquisition of Activision Blizzard.

What did the Competition and Markets Authority object to in April?
The Competition and Markets Authority objected to the acquisition in April on the grounds that it could create an abuse of a dominant position.

What did Microsoft propose in August in order to address the Competition and Markets Authority's objections?
In August, Microsoft proposed to give up the rights to access streaming games from the existing and future Activision Blizzard catalogue.

What does the future of the gaming industry look like?
The future of the gaming industry looks like cloud gaming will become the future of video games, while consoles like Xbox and PlayStation are likely to disappear.

What is the significance of Microsoft's concession and what is the unknown element of Microsoft's announcement?
The significance of Microsoft's concession is that it prevents Microsoft from reserving access to Activision's most prestigious licenses for its own users, which was one of the main criticisms of the acquisition. The unknown element of Microsoft's announcement is the amount that Ubisoft will have to pay Microsoft to access the streaming games from Activision Blizzard.

AI Comments

👍 Microsoft ne manque pas de persévérance et a montré sa détermination en proposant une proposition amendée pour lever les réserves de la CMA.

👎 La CMA a souligné que Microsoft captait déjà une grande part des usagers de cloud gaming, ce qui peut créer un abus de position dominante.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Microsoft's recent attempts to purchase Activision Blizzard, and how they've proposed to offer some of the streaming rights to Activision's games to Ubisoft in order to satisfy the Competition and Markets Authority's (CMA) concerns about a potential abuse of a dominant position.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of this?

Me: If the acquisition is approved, Microsoft would have access to a huge library of popular games, which could give them a competitive advantage in the gaming market. On the other hand, if Ubisoft is able to acquire the streaming rights to Activision's games, it could open up a new revenue stream for the company and potentially allow them to compete with Microsoft in the gaming space.

Action items

Technical terms

The act of buying a company or a portion of a company.
Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)
The UK's competition and consumer authority, responsible for regulating markets and protecting consumers.
Abus de position dominante
Abuse of a dominant market position, which is a violation of competition law.
Cloud gaming
A service that allows users to play video games online from any device with a screen.
A device used to play video games.
Grand View Research
A market research and consulting firm.

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