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What did the author recently do to inspire the creation of this article?
The author recently cleared the remake version of the game "Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy".

What was the most difficult aspect of creating the ear copy?
The most difficult aspect of creating the ear copy was the complex rhythm of the swing and the use of uncommon chords.

How did the author deal with the difficult aspects?
The author dealt with the difficult aspects by cutting out the small details and focusing on recreating the overall rhythm. They also used the composition sounds to supplement the sounds they couldn't hear.

What did the author use as a reference for the ear copy?
The author used a YouTube source and the website https://gakufu.gakki.me/m/data/RQ15481.html as a reference for the ear copy.

What is the author hoping for people who have played the remake version to do?
The author is hoping for people who have played the remake version to find the ear copy on nana.

AI Comments

👍 先日のリメイク版からきっかけを得て、この耳コヒに取り組んでいたので非常に面白い記事ですね!音楽を通して自分の感覚を表現しているのは新鮮です。

👎 この記事では、サイトを参考にしたりYouTubeの音源を参考にしたりしているので、音質の話が少し物足りなく感じます。

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a musician who remade a song from a game they used to play in their student days and used a DAW to create a cover of the song. They explain the process they went through to create the cover and the difficulties they faced.

Friend: Wow, that's really impressive! What are the implications of the article?

Me: The article highlights the importance of being able to recognize complex rhythms and using creative techniques to overcome difficulties, such as using a reference source from YouTube when an official source isn't available. It also emphasizes the importance of doing research to understand the composition of the piece before attempting to cover it. Overall, the article encourages musicians to be creative and use their skills to create unique covers.

Action items

Technical terms

Digital Audio Workstation. A computer program used for recording, editing, and producing audio.
A digital audio workstation developed by Steinberg.
A type of drum pattern used in music production.
A type of percussion instrument.
A Japanese term meaning "to be overwhelmed".
iTunes Store
Apple's online media store.
A video-sharing website.
A type of musical phrase.
A type of musical style.
A type of musical phrase.
A Japanese music streaming service.
Digital Audio Workstation. A computer program used for recording, editing, and producing audio.

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