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AI poses national security threat, warns terror watchdog


The terror watchdog warns that the new technology of artificial intelligence (AI) poses a national security threat, and could be used to groom vulnerable individuals. The government's independent reviewer of terrorism legislation is concerned about the scope for AI chatbots to persuade vulnerable individuals to launch terrorist attacks. The security services are particularly worried about the ability of AI chatbots to groom children. MI5 and the Alan Turing Institute have formed a partnership to confront national security challenges posed by AI. There is a need to keep control of AI and build it into the technology, as well as transparency from tech companies about how many staff and moderators they employ. New laws may be needed to tackle the terrorism threat from AI, specifically lethal autonomous weaponry.


What are the security services concerned about regarding AI?
The security services are concerned about the ability of AI chatbots to groom children and to persuade vulnerable or neurodivergent individuals to launch terrorist attacks.

What is the Alan Turing Institute doing to confront national security challenges posed by AI?
The Alan Turing Institute is partnering with MI5 to confront national security challenges posed by AI.

What does Jonathan Hall KC believe tech companies should do to prevent the misuse of AI?
Jonathan Hall KC believes tech companies should have some "horrible little 15-year-old neo-Nazi in the room with them" to work out what they might do, and that they should have greater transparency around how many staff and moderators they employ.

What measures are needed to retain 'cognitive autonomy' over AI?
Measures needed to retain 'cognitive autonomy' over AI include understanding what the risks are, what the long-term risks are, and what the risks are for next-generation technology.

What is the danger posed by lethal autonomous weapons?
The danger posed by lethal autonomous weapons is that they can be used to carry out attacks without human intent, and that they can select their own targets.

AI Comments

👍 I am impressed that the government is taking the threat of AI seriously and making efforts to confront national security challenges with the partnership between MI5 and the Alan Turing Institute.

👎 It is concerning that AI technology could be used to groom vulnerable individuals and potentially launch terrorist attacks without human involvement.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about how artificial intelligence poses national security threats. MI5 and the Alan Turing Institute have teamed up to tackle these challenges. They are worried that AI could be used to groom vulnerable people and that terrorists could use it for attacks. They say that tech companies need to have better transparency in how they regulate AI. They are also concerned about how AI could be used in lethal autonomous weapons.

Friend: Wow, that's a really serious issue. It's scary to think that AI could be used for such malicious activities. It's also really concerning that vulnerable people could be groomed through AI.

Me: Yeah, it's definitely a worrying issue. It's important that tech companies take measures to ensure that AI is regulated and monitored in order to limit these security threats. Hopefully with the partnership between MI5 and the Alan Turing Institute, we can find a way to prevent these threats from becoming a reality.

Action items

Technical terms

AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI is a type of computer technology that is designed to simulate human intelligence and behavior. It is used in a variety of applications, including robotics, natural language processing, and machine learning.
MI5 is the United Kingdom's domestic counter-intelligence and security agency. It is responsible for protecting the UK from threats to national security, including terrorism, espionage, and cyber-attacks.
Alan Turing Institute
The Alan Turing Institute is the UK's national institute for data science and artificial intelligence. It is a partnership between the universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford, UCL, and Warwick, and is funded by the UK government.
Terror Watchdog
A terror watchdog is an independent body that monitors and reports on the activities of terrorist groups and other threats to national security.
Vulnerable People
Vulnerable people are individuals who are at risk of harm or exploitation due to their age, physical or mental health, or other factors.
Neurodivergent individuals are those who have neurological differences that cause them to think, learn, and process information differently than the majority of people.
Chatbots are computer programs that are designed to simulate conversation with human users.
To groom someone is to manipulate them into a situation where they can be exploited or harmed.
Suggestibility is the tendency to accept or act on suggestions without questioning them.
Cognitive Autonomy
Cognitive autonomy is the ability to think and act independently.
Lethal Autonomous Weapons
Lethal autonomous weapons are weapons that use artificial intelligence to select their targets.

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