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U.N. Officials Urge Regulation of Artificial Intelligence


The U.N. Security Council held its first session on Tuesday to discuss the potential threats that artificial intelligence poses to international peace and stability. Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for the creation of a global watchdog to oversee the new technology, which has raised both fears and hopes. Experts in the field of A.I. outlined the risks and benefits of the technology and the need for international laws and regulations. China's ambassador expressed opposition to a set of global laws and stressed the need for countries to create their own rules. The Secretary General urged the U.N. to come up with a legally binding agreement by 2026 to ban the use of A.I. in automated weapons of war. It was also noted that the people who design the technology should be held accountable.


What did U.N. Security Council members fear regarding the emergence of artificial intelligence?
U.N. Security Council members feared that a new technology might prove a major threat to world peace.

What did Secretary General Antonio Guterres warn about the potential risks of artificial intelligence?
Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned that A.I. may ease a path for criminals, terrorists and other actors intent on causing “death and destruction, widespread trauma, and deep psychological damage on an unimaginable scale.”

What did the majority of diplomats endorse at the U.N. Security Council session?
The majority of diplomats endorsed the notion of a global governing mechanism and a set of international rules.

What was China's ambassador to the United Nations' opinion of the proposed international regulations regarding artificial intelligence?
China's ambassador to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, pushed back against the creation of a set of global laws and said that international regulatory bodies must be flexible enough to allow countries to develop their own rules.

What did Professor Rebecca Willett of the University of Chicago suggest in terms of regulating artificial intelligence?
Professor Rebecca Willett suggested that it was important not to lose sight of the humans behind the technology and that the people who design them need to be held accountable. She also suggested that there should be international repercussions so that a company based in one country can’t destroy another country without violating international agreements.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an insightful and comprehensive look at the need for global regulation of artificial intelligence and how it can be used for the betterment of humanity.

👎 This article fails to address the potential security risks of artificial intelligence technology and how it could be used for malicious purposes.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the U.N. urging for regulation of Artificial Intelligence. It's a pretty big deal because of the potential risks and dangers that come with AI, and they're proposing a global watchdog to oversee it.

Friend: Wow, that's a really important issue. What do you think are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it's a major step forward in trying to regulate the use of AI. It raises awareness of the potential dangers associated with AI and the need for an international regulatory body to ensure that it's used responsibly. It also highlights the need for more research into the technology so we can better understand how it works and how to use it safely. It also brings up the issue of accountability, as the people who design these systems need to be held accountable for their actions.

Action items

Technical terms

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
A field of computer science that focuses on creating machines that can think and act like humans.
A new technology that can create texts from prompts, mimic voice and generate photos, illustrations and videos.
False or misleading information that is spread deliberately to deceive people.
The act of influencing or controlling someone or something in an unfair or deceptive way.
Autonomous Weapons
Weapons that are able to operate independently of human control.
Satellite-Controlled A.I. Robot
A robot that is controlled by a satellite and can be used for assassinations.

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