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Madrid en el siglo XVII


El artículo se centra en la historia de Madrid durante el siglo XVII. Presenta un cuadro alegórico de la Colección Particular que muestra el Alcázar de Madrid en 1665 y el incendio posterior. También se incluyen datos históricos sobre Cervantes y el Madrid del siglo XVII, así como una lista de bibliografías relacionadas con el siglo XVII. Además, se aborda el tema de la arquitectura barroca, los usos, costumbres y mentalidades del siglo XVII y la semana santa de Madrid en ese mismo siglo.


What was the Madrid of the 17th century like?
The Madrid of the 17th century was a city and community with three centuries of cartography, and was the home of Cervantes.

What does the allegorical picture show from 1665?
The allegorical picture from 1665 shows the Alcazar and the subsequent fire that marked the end of the Austrian dynasty, with the ghosts of Felipe II, Felipe IV, and Baltasar Carlos imitating the ashes.

Who created the video and map for the Regional Library of Madrid?
The video and map for the Regional Library of Madrid were created by the Regional Library of Madrid and the National Geographic Institute.

What sources can be used to study Madrid in the 17th century?
Sources that can be used to study Madrid in the 17th century include Miguel Molina Campuzano's "Plans of Madrid of the 17th and 18th Centuries", Jose del Corral's "Daily Life in Madrid...", Manuel de Teran Alvarez's "Plans of Madrid of the 17th and 18th Centuries", Cristina Benitez Noci's "Baroque Architecture in Madrid...", Angel Sanchez Crespo's "Madrid in the 17th Century: Daily Life at the Court", Maria del Sol Diaz Diaz's "Monumental Public Sources of Madrid...", Claude Larquie's "Urban Neighborhoods and Parishes: The Example of Madrid...", Ignacio Lozon's "Madrid, Capital and Court: Uses, Customs and Mentalities in the 17th Century", Maria del Carmen Gonzalez Munoz's "Data for a Study of Madrid in the First Half of the 17th Century", and Maria A. Vizcaino Villanueva's "The Plateria Street in the..."

What is the focus of the article on Madrid in the 17th century?
The focus of the article on Madrid in the 17th century is to present an allegorical picture of a particular collection, show the Alcazar in 1665 and the subsequent fire, and provide sources that can be used to study Madrid in the 17th century.

AI Comments

👍 El artículo ofrece una amplia bibliografía sobre el Madrid del siglo XVII y proporciona una gran cantidad de información sobre la ciudad y sus costumbres en ese periodo.

👎 El artículo no incluye suficientes imágenes para ilustrar los diferentes temas abordados y dar una mejor comprensión de la vida en el Madrid del siglo XVII.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about Madrid in the 17th century, the art, history, and maps of the city. It also provides a bibliography of sources related to the 17th century in Madrid.

Friend: Interesting! What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, this article provides us with a great insight into life in Madrid during the 17th century. It gives us a better understanding of the city's culture, architecture, and art, as well as provides us with a better historical context for the city. It also gives us access to a large bibliography of sources which can be used to further our understanding of Madrid in this time period. Overall, this article gives us a better understanding of Madrid's past and allows us to make more informed decisions about the city's present and future.

Action items

Technical terms

Capital of Spain and the largest city in the country.
Siglo XVII
The 17th century.
Mapa Dinamico
Dynamic map.
A royal palace in Madrid.
Spanish novelist, poet, and playwright.
Biblioteca Regional
Regional library.
Antonio Marcelli
Spanish cartographer.
Frederick de Wit
Dutch cartographer.
Portuguese cartographer.
Arquitectura Barroca
Baroque architecture.
Fuentes Publicas Monumentales
Public monuments.
Barrios y Parroquias Urbanas
Neighborhoods and urban parishes.
Usos, Costumbres y Mentalidades
Uses, customs and mentalities.
Calle Plateria
Silver Street.

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