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Your company is less prepared for AI than you think


This article discusses how HR professionals need to address AI change resistance in the workplace. It states that only 14% of US adults have used AI and most people underestimate its future impact. The article also explains why people resist change, especially when it involves new technology, and offers tips to help prepare employees for the coming AI-driven changes. It suggests adding questions about AI to employee surveys and assessing AI readiness by high, middle, and low performers. Finally, it recommends providing AI training and familiarization to all employees to reduce anxiety and resistance.


What percentage of US adults have used artificial intelligence (AI) tools for their work?
14% of US adults have used AI tools for their work.

What are the main reasons why people are resistant to AI?
People are resistant to AI because they lack confidence in their ability to succeed with the change, they prefer stability and predictability to rapid and unpredictable change, and they dislike abrupt and disruptive changes.

What does the Leadership IQ study on change resistance suggest about gaining employee confidence with AI?
The Leadership IQ study on change resistance suggests that employees need to gain confidence with AI in order to support it.

What is the difference between people driven by Security and Adventure when it comes to change?
People driven by Security prefer continuity, consistency, and predictability, while people driven by Adventure are motivated by risk, change, and uncertainty.

What steps can HR professionals take to prepare employees for AI-driven changes?
HR professionals can assess AI readiness by high, middle, and low performers, add questions about AI to employee surveys, and provide training and familiarization with the technology.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article that provides helpful insight on how to get employees to embrace AI. The author also provides valuable suggestions on how to assess AI readiness in the workplace and recommends ways to prepare employees for the coming AI-driven changes.

👎 This article does not provide any practical solutions for dealing with change resistance in the workplace. The author's suggestion to conduct employee surveys does not address the root cause of change resistance.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how companies are less prepared for AI than they think, and how HR professionals need to address change resistance. It also talks about how to prepare employees for the coming AI-driven changes.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article suggests that HR professionals need to be more proactive about preparing their employees for AI-driven changes. It also suggests that they need to pay close attention to employees who are resistant to the changes, and to figure out why they are resistant. Additionally, it suggests that companies should provide training and familiarization with AI to help reduce resistance and anxiety.

Action items

Technical terms

AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI is a type of computer technology that is designed to simulate human intelligence and behavior.
The beliefs, values, and behaviors shared by a group of people.
HR Communications
The process of communicating with employees in order to ensure that they are informed and engaged.
The ability to influence and motivate others to achieve a common goal.
A type of artificial intelligence technology that is used to generate natural language conversations.
Change Resistance
The tendency of people to resist change, especially when it involves new technology.
Security Drive
A motivation to seek continuity, consistency, and predictability.
Adventure Drive
A motivation to seek risk, change, and uncertainty.

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