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It’s The Little Things That Change How Your Coworkers See You


This article discusses how small moments between colleagues can have a large impact on how they perceive one another. It discusses how taking time off, following up efficiently, showing up to meetings with a positive attitude, prioritizing quality over quantity in work, and being supportive of each other during times of personal hardship can demonstrate leadership and set an example for other coworkers. It emphasizes the importance of small moments and interactions in the workplace and how they can shape how a person is remembered and perceived.


How do daily interactions with peers and coworkers affect how they remember and perceive us?
Daily interactions with peers and coworkers can determine how they remember and perceive us.

What are some traits people will notice about us?
People will notice traits such as how we respond to events, how we spend time off, how we follow up, how we show up, and how we prioritize quantity or quality.

How can we demonstrate leadership and set an example for our coworkers?
We can demonstrate leadership and set an example for our coworkers by responding with resilience and grace to small frustrations, showing up with a solutions-oriented mindset, taking actual time off, closing the loop when someone is waiting for our response, being mentally present in meetings, and delegating items off one employee’s plate.

What can we do to ensure that our colleagues feel respected and safe about taking time off?
To ensure that our colleagues feel respected and safe about taking time off, we should take time off ourselves, and not come into work with the sniffles or keep a bottle of DayQuil next to our desk.

How can we respond compassionately when our coworkers have major life events?
We can respond compassionately when our coworkers have major life events by remembering their birthdays and work anniversaries, showing up with an abundance of compassion, and celebrating their promotion with the whole team.

AI Comments

👍 This article was very informative and gave great advice on how to be a good leader. It was well written and gave practical examples of how to demonstrate good leadership.

👎 This article was too long and had too much detail. It was difficult to read and didn't provide any new insights.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about how the little things in our daily interactions with our coworkers can make a big difference in how they perceive us. It's not just about how we handle the big stuff, but how we show up day to day.

Friend: That's an interesting point. So what are the implications of the article?

Me: Well, it means that we need to be mindful of how we interact with our colleagues and be conscious of our behavior. We need to be aware of how our actions, words and behavior are being perceived, and take the time to show up with resilience and grace in our daily interactions. It's also important to remember special days for our colleagues, like birthdays and work anniversaries, and to show compassion and understanding when our colleagues are dealing with personal matters.

Action items

Technical terms

An advancement in rank or position within an organization.
The process of dismissing a large number of employees from a company due to financial or other reasons.
The accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
The lack of success in achieving a goal.
Regrettable mistake
An error or misjudgment that is regretted.
Learning moment
A situation in which one can learn something.
Unexpected success
A success that was not anticipated or expected.
To assign a task or responsibility to someone else.
The ability to recover quickly from difficulties.
A courteous disposition or manner.
Focused on finding solutions to problems.
Breathing room
Time or space to think or act without pressure.
To arrange or do things in order of importance.
The amount of something.
The standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.
The quality or state of being available.
The effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input.
A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

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