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The Status Game, by Will Storr


In his book The Status Game: On Social Position and How We Use It, Will Storr reveals the hidden force that triggers much of our anxiety: social status. Storr argues that the human need for status is ancient, universal, and deeply ingrained in all of us. He discusses the differences between success and virtue games, as well as between prestige and dominance, and notes that both are equally effective ways of gaining status. Storr also examines how manhood is precarious, and how young men are prone to violent status contests, with mental illness not being a sufficient explanation for heinous crimes. He further connects the rise of Nazi Germany to the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles and warns of the dangers of tyranny. Finally, he states that the antidote to becoming unhinged is to play several status games and practice warmth, competence and sincerity.


What is the main focus of Will Storr's book The Status Game?
The main focus of Will Storr's book The Status Game is the psychology of social status and how it is deeply ingrained in all of us.

What is the difference between prestige and dominance when it comes to gaining social status?
The difference between prestige and dominance when it comes to gaining social status is that prestigious leaders have been freely chosen by their followers, whereas domineering players typically force people to respect them.

How did Germany's losses in World War One contribute to the rise of Nazi Germany?
Germany's losses in World War One contributed to the rise of Nazi Germany by triggering a wave of hyperinflation and a deep sense of national humiliation. This humiliation multiplied itself when France and Belgium occupied the Ruhr Valley and the Great Depression hit.

What is the danger posed by groups that become too tight, dogmatic, and extreme?
The danger posed by groups that become too tight, dogmatic, and extreme is that they can become unhinged and lead to acts of violence and even genocide.

How can we develop and use prestige to influence others?
We can develop and use prestige to influence others by practicing warmth, competence, and sincerity when navigating our status hierarchies, and by giving credit to others and allowing them to feel statusful.

AI Comments

👍 The Status Game is an insightful and well-researched book that provides an interesting take on the psychology of social status and how it has shaped human behavior throughout history. Will Storr is an insightful and talented author who provides a unique perspective on the topic.

👎 The Status Game does not provide any real solutions for how to deal with the issues it discusses. Storr's focus on the evolutionary roots of status-seeking behavior is interesting but not particularly useful in the modern world.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about social status and how it is deeply ingrained in us from our hunter-gatherer ancestors to modern day office workers. It also discusses how status seeking isn't a frivolous activity, but is intricately intertwined with our ultimate evolutionary goals, and how it can have a profound effect on our mental and physical health. It also talks about how we can gain status through virtue and success, or through intimidation, manipulation, and coercion. Lastly, it explains how in some cases, such as with Nazi Germany, humiliation can lead to catastrophic events.

Friend: Wow, that sounds really interesting. What implications does this article have?

Me: The article highlights the power of social status and the risks associated with it. It suggests that in order to avoid dire situations, we must be aware of the power dynamics at play when striving for status and guard against being overly influenced by our peers. It also warns us to be wary of the potential for violence and catastrophic events when humiliation is experienced on a group level. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of playing diverse status games, practicing warmth, competence and sincerity, and creating moments of prestige in order to prevent any one group from becoming too powerful.

Action items

Technical terms

A hunter-gatherer is a human living in a society in which most or all food is obtained by foraging (collecting wild plants and pursuing wild animals).
Social status
Social status is the relative respect, competence, and deference accorded to people, groups, and organizations in a society.
Evolutionary goals
Evolutionary goals are the goals that an organism has evolved to pursue in order to survive and reproduce.
Prestige is the level of respect, admiration, or social status that someone or something has.
Dominance is the state or fact of being dominant, or having control or power over others.
Grandiose is having or showing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
Humiliation is the experience of having a strong negative emotion, such as shame, embarrassment, or distress, caused by the unjust or cruel actions of someone else.
Incels are members of an online subculture who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, a state they describe as inceldom.
Hyperinflation is a rapid and out-of-control increase in prices, usually caused by an increase in the money supply.
Propaganda is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

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