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Convincing agile product owners to prioritize technical debt


This article discusses technical debt, which is the need to fix, refactor, modernize, upgrade, re-engineer, or replace technologies that are being used in production in order to meet strategic business requirements. It examines how technical debt can impede agile development teams and provides recommendations from experienced product owners on how to align technical improvements to business outcomes, define agile principles and metrics to promote improvement, and establish trust and debate trade-offs in order to convince product owners to prioritize technical debt.


What is technical debt and what impact does it have on agile development teams?
Technical debt is when technologies running in production require fixing, refactoring, modernizing, upgrading, reengineering, or replacing before or as part of implementing the strategic business requirements. It impedes teams from developing new features, enhancing customer experiences, addressing security issues, improving reliability, increasing performance, automating workflows, and addressing other business priorities.

How can agile teams and devops organizations create a collaborative partnership with product managers and owners around technical debt?
Product managers and owners should partner closely with their technology teams, understand technical design implications, and prioritize tech debt efforts. Align technical improvements to business outcomes, define agile principles and metrics to promote improvement, and explain ongoing enhancements in business terms.

What business outcomes and principles should be considered when prioritizing technical debt?
Business outcomes, customer needs, reliability upgrades, security enhancements, new automations, additional testing, and other improvements should be considered when prioritizing technical debt. Agile teams should also define principles such as improving team morale and increasing velocity.

How can product teams develop trust and discuss trade-offs when addressing technical debt?
Product managers and their teams must develop trust and discuss trade-offs. Technical teams must take on a responsibility that product managers understand well and prioritize, define their issues in business terms, and create meaningful agile principles.

What strategies can product managers use to convince stakeholders to prioritize technical debt?
Product managers should focus on the business implications of not addressing tech debt and frame the discussion around how the user experience, client delivery, product economics, or even the overarching value proposition can benefit from the investment now rather than later. They should also overindex on the technical upside and rationale and explain the importance of addressing tech debt.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an excellent overview of the challenges agile teams face when dealing with technical debt and provides insightful strategies to help product owners and devops organizations collaborate more effectively.

👎 The article fails to provide enough actionable advice for product owners and devops organizations to effectively tackle technical debt.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about convincing agile product owners to prioritize technical debt. It talks about how technical debt impacts agile development teams, the challenges product owners face with addressing technical debt, and how to create a collaborative partnership between product owners and technology teams.

Friend: That's really interesting. It makes sense that technical debt can have a big impact on an agile team's ability to deliver features and improve customer experiences. What are some of the implications of the article?

Me: Well, the article suggests that product owners should align technical improvements to business outcomes, define agile principles and metrics to promote improvement, and establish trust and debate trade-offs. These are all important steps for product owners to take in order to ensure technical debt is prioritized and addressed. It's also important for product owners to collaborate with their technology teams and take the time to understand technical design implications to make sure technical debt is identified and addressed.

Action items

Technical terms

Agile Development
A software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement.
Technical Debt
The cost associated with the need to refactor, upgrade, or replace existing technologies in order to meet strategic business requirements.
Product Owner
A person responsible for prioritizing the backlog based on customer and stakeholder needs.
A type of application architecture that is designed to take advantage of cloud computing services.
Microservices Architecture
A type of software architecture that uses small, independent services to build applications.
The process of restructuring existing code without changing its external behavior.
Unit Testing
A type of software testing that verifies individual units of source code.
The process of redesigning a system or process to improve its performance.
The process of transferring software from one platform to another.
Data Debt
The cost associated with the need to cleanse and organize data.
The ability to monitor and measure the performance of a system.
A list of tasks that need to be completed.
The rate at which a team completes tasks.
The amount of effort required to complete a task.
A person or group that has an interest in the success of a project.

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