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This article discusses the research study by Berit Hudson-Rasmussen, Mong-Han Huang, W. Jesse Hahm, Daniella Rempe, David N Dralle, and Mariel D Nelson, which is available as a PDF, ZIP, LaTeX, and JATS XML file. It also provides links to the authors' profiles, as well as a submission guide and FAQs for Authorea.com.


What is the purpose of this article?
The purpose of this article is to provide information about the authors and their research.

Who are the authors of this article?
The authors of this article are Berit Hudson-Rasmussen, Mong-Han Huang, W. Jesse Hahm, Daniella Rempe, David N Dralle, and Mariel D Nelson.

What is the corresponding author's email address?
The corresponding author's email address is mhhuang@umd.edu.

What are the advantages of using Authorea.com?
The advantages of using Authorea.com include the ability to track citations, download PDFs, ZIPs, LaTeX, and JATS XML files, and to fork (make a copy) of the article.

How can readers submit articles to this publication?
Readers can submit articles to this publication by following the Submission Guide on the website.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive and clear overview of the authors and their corresponding profiles.

👎 The page loading time for this article seems to be quite slow.

AI Discussion

Me: It's an abstract about a new research paper. It looks into the implications of log-in data and how it can be used to track citations and make copies of documents.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. What are the implications of this research paper?

Me: Well, the research paper suggests that log-in data can be used to track citations and make copies of documents, which could have implications for data privacy and copyright infringement. It could also be used by companies to track user activity and make decisions about what content to push to them. Additionally, it could be used for research purposes, such as analyzing user behavior or tracking the spread of information. All of this could have far-reaching implications for how we use the internet and handle data.

Action items

Technical terms

A brief summary of the article, usually found at the beginning of the article.
Log in
The process of entering a username and password to access a website or application.
Sign Up
The process of creating an account on a website or application.
Browse Preprints
A feature of some websites that allows users to search for and view pre-published research articles.
Download PDF
The process of downloading a file in the Portable Document Format (PDF).
Download ZIP
The process of downloading a file in the ZIP format, which is a compressed file format.
Download LaTeX
The process of downloading a file in the LaTeX format, which is a typesetting language used for scientific documents.
Download JATS XML
The process of downloading a file in the Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) XML format, which is a markup language used for scientific documents.
Track Citations
The process of tracking the number of times an article has been cited by other authors.
Fork (make a copy)
The process of making a copy of a document or file.
Author Profile
A page on a website or application that contains information about an author, such as their name, contact information, and a list of their published works.

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