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Don’t Let Your Company’s Culture Stifle Leadership Development


This article discusses the importance of accounting for an organization's culture and context when developing leaders, and how Intuit has used four strategies to build a culture that reinforces leader growth. It outlines the need for leaders to be aware of how their culture and environment can impact their development and emphasizes the role of senior leaders in shaping that context.


How can leaders ensure that their company’s culture doesn’t stifle leadership development?
Leaders can ensure that their company’s culture doesn’t stifle leadership development by acknowledging the critical role of the company’s culture and organizational context and the most senior leaders’ role in shaping that context.

What strategies has Intuit used to build a culture that reinforces positive leader growth?
Intuit has used four strategies to build a culture that reinforces positive leader growth: creating a safe environment for learning, providing feedback and coaching, encouraging collaboration, and recognizing and rewarding progress.

What role do senior leaders play in shaping a company’s culture and organizational context?
Senior leaders play a critical role in shaping a company’s culture and organizational context by setting the tone and expectations for how employees should behave and interact with each other.

How can leadership development programs account for the culture and norms within which the leader is working?
Leadership development programs can account for the culture and norms within which the leader is working by taking into consideration the expectations and rewards that are in place within the organization.

How can companies ensure that their leadership development efforts are effective?
Companies can ensure that their leadership development efforts are effective by creating a safe environment for learning, providing feedback and coaching, encouraging collaboration, and recognizing and rewarding progress.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides valuable insight into how to develop leaders and take into account the company culture in the process.

👎 The article does not provide enough detail on how to make the necessary changes to the company culture to support leadership development.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how a company's culture can stifle leadership development. It talks about how companies need to acknowledge the critical role of their culture and organizational context when it comes to developing their leaders. It suggests four strategies that Intuit used to build a culture that reinforces, rather than inhibits, leader growth.

Friend: That's really interesting. It makes sense that a company's culture would have an impact on leadership development. What implications does this article have?

Me: Well, the article suggests that companies should be aware of their culture when developing their leaders. They need to make sure they are not creating a culture that will stifle their leaders' growth. They should also be cognizant of the senior leaders' role in shaping the culture and make sure they are taking an active role in leadership development. Additionally, they should consider implementing strategies such as Intuit's, which focus on reinforcing positive leadership growth.

Action items

Technical terms

Leadership Development
A process of developing the skills and abilities of leaders in order to improve their performance and effectiveness.
The shared values, beliefs, and behaviors of a group of people.
The accepted standards of behavior within a group or society.
A set of related components that work together to achieve a common goal.
To work together in order to achieve a common goal.
A form of recognition or incentive given to someone for achieving a goal or performing a task.
The circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.
Senior Leaders
Leaders at the highest level of an organization.

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