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What is metaphysics?


Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies, in a very general way, what there is and how it is. It is often seen as lazy physics, but it can be useful in understanding the role of mathematics in science. It also can be found in unexpected places, such as in debates over the existence of society. Metaphysics can be used to ask questions about the nature of things, such as the individual, and can be used to inform policy decisions.


What did the ancient Greek use the word 'meta' to mean?
The ancient Greek used the word 'meta' to mean 'after'.

How do natural scientists and metaphysicians differ in the way they answer questions?
Natural scientists base their answers on observation, experiment, measurement and calculation, while the metaphysicians base theirs on armchair reflection.

What is naturalism according to the article?
Naturalism is defined as the view that everything is natural, the kind of thing studied by natural science, like electrons and genes.

What did Margaret Thatcher famously claim?
Margaret Thatcher famously claimed "There is no such thing as society".

What kind of questions are considered metaphysical?
Questions about what kind of things there are and how they are structured are considered metaphysical.

AI Comments

👍 Professor Timothy Williamson's article on metaphysics is very insightful and provides a great overview of the subject.

👎 Professor Timothy Williamson's article on metaphysics is too broad and does not go into enough detail on the subject.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about metaphysics and how it relates to physics and other natural science. It talks about how metaphysics is based on armchair reflection while natural science is based on observation, experiment, measurement, and calculation. It also talks about how the metaphysics of numbers is necessary to understand the role of mathematics in science.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of the article?

Me: Well, the article implies that metaphysics still has a place in today's world and that natural science and metaphysics are not mutually exclusive. It suggests that naturalism is a meaningful metaphysical theory and that understanding the metaphysics of numbers is necessary to understand the role of mathematics in science. It also implies that metaphysical questions can have practical implications, such as in the case of Margaret Thatcher's famous quote about society.

Action items

Technical terms

The branch of philosophy that studies, in a very general way, what there is and how it is.
The view that everything is natural, the kind of thing studied by natural science, like electrons and genes.
The view that there are no such things as individuals, only particular atoms.
Armchair Reflection
Thinking and reasoning about a subject without the need for empirical evidence.
The study of numbers, shapes, and other abstract objects.
An imaginative story or account.

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