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The Inner Compass


The article tells the story of Lawrence Yeo, a professional musician who found himself trying to get his music validated by others more than he was focusing on the quality of the music. He decided to make music every day for 60 days and post his results, and he also added something fun by writing about his feelings while making the music. This gave him insight into his own creativity and from there, he started the project More To That, which combines his love for philosophy with his curiosity. He devoted his energy to become a better writer and illustrator, and over the years, the project has become his full-time job. The article encourages readers to use their inner compass as a guide and to focus on the quality of their work rather than seeking external validation.


What prompted Lawrence Yeo to make a change from being a professional musician?
Lawrence Yeo was prompted to make a change from being a professional musician because he was investing a lot of energy into fulfilling his desire to be validated by others, rather than improving the quality of his art.

What was the goal of Lawrence's 60-day music project?
The goal of Lawrence's 60-day music project was to do it for its own sake, rather than for external validation.

What did Lawrence learn from his time as a musician?
Lawrence learned that he enjoyed sharing ideas through his words, and that this was an avenue worth exploring.

How did Lawrence approach the creation of his project, More To That?
Lawrence approached the creation of his project, More To That, by focusing on the quality of the work itself and devoting his energy into becoming a better writer and illustrator. He also made a conscious effort to not go about it like he did with his music.

What does Lawrence believe is the purpose of self-exploration?
Lawrence believes that the purpose of self-exploration is to figure out what it means to be uniquely oneself, and to cultivate self-worth independent of what others say or think about you.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ This article highlights an inspiring story of how one person used their inner compass to realize their potential. It also provides helpful advice on how to trust your own intuition and make the most of your creative abilities.

πŸ‘Ž The article could have provided more practical advice on how to use an inner compass and how to cultivate self-worth. It also fails to address the challenges of developing the skills needed to create something that stretches the boundaries of what is already known.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the concept of finding an "inner compass" as a guide for creativity and pursuing endeavors for their own sake, rather than for external validation. It talks about the importance of believing in yourself and focusing on improving the quality of your work, rather than seeking validation from others.

Friend: That's really interesting. It sounds like it could be a great reminder for anyone who's trying to pursue their passions.

Me: Absolutely. It's a great reminder that pursuing your passions should come from a place of internal motivation and belief in yourself, rather than from seeking approval from others. It's also a reminder to focus on improving the quality of your work and challenging yourself, which can be the gateway to reaching more people.

Action items

Technical terms

Professional musician
A musician who is paid to perform or compose music.
Finance job
A job in the financial sector, such as banking, accounting, or investment.
A rhythm or pattern of sound, usually in music.
A website or web page that is updated regularly with content, typically written by one person or a small group.
To work together with someone else, especially in a creative endeavor.
A company that produces and distributes recordings, usually in the form of CDs or vinyl records.
The process of confirming that something is correct or acceptable.
The ability to develop or be developed into something in the future.
The use of something to gain an advantage or make progress.
Search engine optimization, the process of optimizing a website or web page to increase its visibility in search engine results.
A term used to describe something that spreads quickly and widely through a population.
Acting independently and having the freedom to make one's own decisions.
The act of copying or mimicking someone or something.
The quality of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch and volume.

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