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AI is a Gift to Transparency


GPT-based AI is about to revolutionize public transparency and give us unprecedented access to public figures by allowing us to query a comprehensive dataset about anything. This technology could be used to evaluate predictions made by public figures, expose people, assess moral character, and detect corruption. It could also be used to matchmake and adjust risk in insurance. Finally, an LLM (language model) with context on every user and system could be used to build better security programs and detect malicious activity. However, this technology can also be used to extort people, so precautions must be taken.


What is the significance of GPT-based AI regarding public transparency?
GPT-based AI is about to give us unprecedented public transparency by allowing us to input a public figure’s name and instantly access everything they’ve ever said on any given topic.

What is the potential use of AI to evaluate predictions made by public figures?
AI can be used to evaluate every prediction a public figure has made and rate their overall effectiveness in terms of confidence and accuracy.

What are the potential applications of AI to improve transparency?
Potential applications of AI to improve transparency include prediction evaluation, the Me Too Search Engine, the 'That's Not Me Anymore' Redemption Engine, the Corruption Detector, the Hiring Helper, the Match Maker, and the Risk Adjuster.

How can AI be used to assess the moral character of potential hires?
AI can be used to look at the entire arc of a public person’s contributions and estimate their moral character to inform decisions about hiring and dating.

What are the benefits of using AI to build a security program in a complex environment?
The benefits of using AI to build a security program in a complex environment include being able to see and prioritize everything all at once, being able to ask questions and give commands for action, and being able to write strategy documents, create QSRs, find active attackers, prioritize remediation, patch systems, approve or deny vendors, and approve or deny hires.

AI Comments

đź‘Ť This article is an excellent exploration of the potential applications of AI in terms of transparency. It provides a clear and compelling look into how AI can be used to uncover important and relevant information, while providing a detailed analysis of the implications of this technology.

đź‘Ž This article fails to consider the potential ethical implications of using AI for transparency. It also overlooks the potential for misuse of this technology, and fails to address how it could be used to exploit people or violate their privacy.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about the implications of GPT-based AI, which is about to give us unprecedented public transparency. Basically, it will allow us to access any information a public figure has ever said on a particular topic. It also talks about applications such as a Me Too Search Engine, a Corruption Detector, a Hiring Helper, and a Match Maker.

Friend: Wow, that sounds really powerful! What kind of implications does this have?

Me: Well, for one, the growth of the Internet may slow drastically due to people having nothing to say to each other. On the other hand, AI can help us evaluate every prediction public figures have made and rate their overall effectiveness. It can also be used to expose people, find instances of racism, sexism, and other unacceptable behavior, counter cancel culture, and help with hiring and dating decisions by assessing a person's moral character. Additionally, it can be used to detect and respond to security threats, build security programs, and assess risk. However, it could also be used for extortion, so it's important to use it responsibly.

Action items

Technical terms

GPT-based AI
GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It is a type of natural language processing (NLP) model that is pre-trained on a large corpus of text data in order to generate human-like text.
SPQA stands for Structured Query and Answer. It is a type of AI architecture that enables users to ask questions and receive answers from a comprehensive dataset.
Metcalfe's Law
Metcalfe's Law states that the value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of its users.
LLMs stands for Language-based Learning Machines. It is a type of AI that is capable of understanding natural language and using it to make decisions.
QSR stands for Quality System Requirements. It is a set of requirements that must be met in order for a system to be considered of high quality.

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