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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation


This article provides tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones. Tips include being concise, using photos and images instead of bullet points, varying the pace, pitch, and volume of their voice, creating unexpected moments to capture the audience's attention, and rehearsing a lot. All of these tips can help speakers stand out and be remembered.


What is the Dunning-Kruger effect?
The Dunning-Kruger effect is a phenomenon in which people who are mediocre at certain things often think they are better than they actually are, and therefore, fail to grow and improve.

How can business professionals move from being good speakers to great ones?
Business professionals can move from being good speakers to great ones by being concise, using photos and images instead of bullet points, enhancing their vocal delivery, creating “wow” moments, and rehearsing.

What is the “pictorial superiority” phenomenon?
Pictorial superiority is the phenomenon in which information delivered in pictures and images is more likely to be remembered than words alone.

What is the importance of varying the pace, pitch, and volume of one’s voice while speaking?
Varying the pace, pitch, and volume of one’s voice while speaking can make a presentation more influential, persuasive, and commanding.

How can creating unexpected moments and rehearsing help to make a great presentation?
Creating unexpected moments and rehearsing can help to make a great presentation by grabbing an audience’s attention and ensuring that the speaker is well-prepared.

AI Comments

đź‘Ť This article provides great tips on how to become a great presenter, including advice on how to use less slides and words, how to use photos and images, and how to use your voice for emphasis.

đź‘Ž This article does not provide any practical tips on how to put these ideas into practice, making it hard for readers to apply what they have learned.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how to give a great presentation. It talks about ways to make an impact with your audience and how to stand out from other presenters.

Friend: That's really interesting! What are some of the tips?

Me: The article suggests using fewer slides and words, not using bullet points, varying the volume and pitch of your voice, creating "wow" moments, and rehearsing a lot.

Friend: That makes sense. It seems like it would take a lot of hard work and practice to become a great presenter.

Me: Absolutely. The article also mentions the Dunning-Kruger effect, which is the phenomenon of people who are mediocre at certain things often thinking they are better than they actually are, and therefore, fail to grow and improve. It's important to recognize our weaknesses and be willing to put in the effort to get better.

Action items

Technical terms

A presentation software developed by Microsoft.
Pictorial Superiority
The phenomenon that information delivered in pictures and images is more likely to be remembered than words alone.
Dunning-Kruger Effect
A phenomenon where people who are mediocre at certain things often think they are better than they actually are, and therefore, fail to grow and improve.
10,000-Hour Rule
The idea that 20 hours of practice a week for a decade can make anyone a master in their field.
The act of creating something spontaneously without preparation.

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