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Ten Words for 2023


This article provides 10 words of advice to live by during the upcoming year. The words are: pause, reflect, move, give, sleep, simplify, talk, listen, never, and anticipate. The advice ranges from taking time to think before making decisions, being grateful for what you have, exercising, volunteering, and spending time with family and friends. There is also advice on avoiding certain activities such as over-indulging in alcohol and making snap decisions with finances. The article also encourages readers to plan for the future in order to bring more joy and happiness.


What are 10 words that Jonathan Clements recommends for living a better life in 2023?
The 10 words that Jonathan Clements recommends for living a better life in 2023 are: Pause, Reflect, Move, Give, Sleep, Simplify, Talk, Listen, Never, and Anticipate.

What are some benefits of exercise?
The benefits of exercise include physical, emotional, and cognitive benefits.

What are some examples of giving that don't involve money?
Examples of giving that don't involve money include volunteering for a favorite charity or helping out at a place of worship.

What should family members discuss regarding finances?
Family members should discuss what financial contributions they can afford to make toward college costs, how well they’ve prepared for their own retirement, and what steps they’ve taken to address end-of-life issues.

What are some activities or items that Jonathan Clements avoids?
Jonathan Clements avoids individual stocks, fried chicken, actively managed funds, hard liquor, CNBC, and processed meats (except for pepperoni on pizza).

AI Comments

👍 This is an excellent article with wise and practical advice! The 10 words Jonathan suggests are great guidelines for a better life in 2023.

👎 The advice in this article is too general and doesn't provide real solutions for achieving personal goals. There are no concrete steps or strategies for making meaningful lifestyle changes.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about 10 words to live by for 2023. It talks about things like pausing before making decisions, reflecting on your good fortune, getting enough sleep, giving of your time, and simplifying your life.

Friend: That's really interesting. What do you think are the implications of this article?

Me: I think the implications are that we should take time to evaluate our lives, our decisions, and our values. We should strive to be better versions of ourselves and take the time to appreciate all the good things in our lives. We should find ways to give back to the community and practice gratitude. We should also work on simplifying our lives to make room for more meaningful experiences and to avoid getting overwhelmed. Finally, we should be mindful of the conversations we have, listen more, and think about the things that we should never do.

Action items

Technical terms

To temporarily stop or suspend an activity.
To think deeply or carefully about something.
To change position or go from one place to another.
To provide something to someone else.
To rest or be in a state of unconsciousness.
To make something easier to understand or do.
To communicate with words.
To pay attention to someone speaking.
To not do something.
To expect or look forward to something.
Forbidden or not allowed.

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