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'Great Gloom': Employee happiness at an all-time low


A new index by BambooHR has revealed that employee happiness has plummeted to an all-time low due to a phenomenon called the "Great Gloom". The healthcare and education sectors are the unhappiest, with employee happiness in healthcare having declined by 40% since 2020. Conversely, the construction industry is the happiest, with an average eNPS of 49 in the first half of the year. BambooHR CEO Brad Rencher has attributed the decline in employee happiness to "unprecedented times" and has urged leaders to be proactive and adaptive in beating back the Great Gloom. Anita Grantham, head of HR at BambooHR, has warned businesses not to overlook their people and to track their organisation's health using various tools.


What is the "Great Gloom" that is hitting workplaces hard?
The "Great Gloom" is a new phenomenon that is hitting workplaces hard and causing employee happiness to plummet to an all-time low.

What system is used to measure employee satisfaction and loyalty?
The system used to measure employee satisfaction and loyalty is Employer Net Promoter Scores (eNPS).

What are the two unhappiest sectors according to the index?
The two unhappiest sectors according to the index are the healthcare and education sectors.

What sectors are the happiest according to the index?
The happiest sectors according to the index are the construction industry, tech sector, finance sector, and nonprofit industries.

What advice is given to businesses to address the "Great Gloom"?
The advice given to businesses to address the "Great Gloom" is to put a premium on employee experience in "real, meaningful ways" and to track more than just sales and marketing performance.

AI Comments

👍 The BambooHR Employee Happiness Index found that employee happiness is at an all-time low, but the report also highlights the importance of taking care of employees and provides insights into how to do so.

👎 Despite the insight provided by the BambooHR Employee Happiness Index, employee happiness is still plummeting and is not showing signs of recovering.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about employee happiness being at an all-time low and how it's been dubbed the "Great Gloom". The article also mentions the two industries at the bottom of the happiness rankings - healthcare and education - and the two industries at the top - construction and tech.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article highlights the importance of employers understanding and addressing the emotional and physical wellbeing of their employees as a way to combat the 'Great Gloom'. It also suggests that businesses should track more than just sales and marketing performance, and should consider tracking employee satisfaction and loyalty in order to catch any issues quickly and thoughtfully. Additionally, the article emphasizes the need for businesses to be proactive and adaptive in order to beat back the Great Gloom.

Action items

Technical terms

Employer Net Promoter Score (eNPS)
A system designed to measure employee satisfaction and loyalty.
Great Gloom
A new phenomenon of plummeting employee happiness.
A line that shows the general direction of a data set over time.
DEI Programs
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs.
White Collar Workers
Professionals who work in office settings.
Holistic Approach
An approach that considers the whole person, not just one aspect.

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