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Mastering Concept-Based Teaching: A Guide for Nurse Educators


This book is a guide for nurse educators to help them master concept-based teaching. It provides an overview of the concept-based approach to teaching, which involves organizing content around core concepts. It also covers methods for designing and delivering concept-based instruction, as well as assessment tools for evaluating student learning. The book is published by Elsevier Health Sciences and is available for purchase through various online retailers.


What is concept-based teaching?
Concept-based teaching is an approach to teaching that focuses on developing students' understanding of concepts and their ability to apply them to real-world situations.

How can nurse educators master concept-based teaching?
Nurse educators can master concept-based teaching by reading the book Mastering Concept-Based Teaching: A Guide for Nurse Educators.

What are the benefits of using a concept-based approach to teaching?
The benefits of using a concept-based approach to teaching include improved student engagement, increased student understanding of concepts, and improved student performance.

What resources are available to help nurse educators master concept-based teaching?
Resources available to help nurse educators master concept-based teaching include the book Mastering Concept-Based Teaching: A Guide for Nurse Educators, as well as online resources such as blogs and articles.

What is the purpose of the book Mastering Concept-Based Teaching: A Guide for Nurse Educators?
The purpose of the book Mastering Concept-Based Teaching: A Guide for Nurse Educators is to provide nurse educators with the tools and strategies they need to effectively teach using a concept-based approach.

AI Comments

👍 This book is an invaluable resource for nurse educators looking to enhance their teaching skills with a concept-based approach.

👎 The lack of reviews for this book makes it difficult to know whether or not it is a reliable source of information.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about mastering concept-based teaching for nurse educators.

Friend: Interesting. What implications does the article have?

Me: Well, the article provides a clear guide for nurse educators on how to effectively teach concepts, which can help them develop their own strategies for teaching. It also encourages educators to experiment with different strategies and methods to ensure that students understand the concepts being taught. This could lead to more effective teaching and learning outcomes.

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Technical terms

Mastering Concept-Based Teaching
A Guide for Nurse Educators: This is the title of the book.
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This is a feature of Google Books that allows users to save books and other publications to their personal library.
Advanced Book Search
This is a feature of Google Books that allows users to search for books and other publications using more specific criteria.
This stands for electronic book, which is a digital version of a printed book.
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Elsevier Health Sciences
This is the publisher of the book.
This is a legal right that grants the author or creator of a work exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and create derivative works from the original work.
Front Cover
This is the cover of the book, which typically includes the title, author, and publisher information.

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