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Child care, mental health and neurodiversity will top HR priorities in 2024


This article looks at the HR and benefit trends for 2024, discussing the importance of mental health and neurodiversity for employees. It suggests that employers should focus on providing mental health care and creating a supportive environment, as well as investing in benefits and programs that help employees. Additionally, it highlights the need for manager training and solutions to reduce workplace burnout.


What are the biggest lessons HR and benefit professionals learned in 2023?
The biggest lessons HR and benefit professionals learned in 2023 include bringing financial wellness and retirement readiness to employees, expanding diversity initiatives to include neurodiverse workers, and understanding the value of holistic well-being to create resilience, cut costs, enhance productivity, and attract ideal talent.

What will be the focus of employee well-being in 2024?
In 2024, the focus of employee well-being will be providing mental health care and ensuring the workplace is supportive and not inadvertently toxic.

What creative solutions can employers use to respect employees' balance between work and life outside of the office?
Creative solutions employers can use to respect employees' balance between work and life outside of the office include flexible work schedules, remote work options, and providing resources to help employees manage stress.

What should employers focus on in addition to benefits to address poor mental health and burnout among employees in 2024?
In addition to benefits, employers should focus on manager training and fixing a culture of overwork that can lead to burnout or other debilitating employee issues in 2024.

What trends and predictions are expected for mental health in 2024?
Mental health trends and predictions for 2024 include increased focus on mental health in the workplace, more support for employees through benefits and healthier ways of working, and improved work environments that champion mental well-being.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides great insights on the importance of well-being for employees and the workplace in 2024. It offers creative solutions to bring positive changes in mental health, employee engagement and productivity.

👎 This article provides an overly optimistic view of the HR and benefits landscape in 2024. It fails to address the challenges of implementing these initiatives and the potential for employers to take advantage of them.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how HR and benefit professionals need to prepare for 2024 by reflecting on what made a difference for employees in 2023. It looks at the top priorities for HR in 2024, including child care, mental health and neurodiversity.

Friend: Wow. That's really interesting. It sounds like employers are recognizing the importance of holistic well-being and the need to create resilience, cut costs, and enhance productivity.

Me: Yeah, it definitely looks like mental health and wellness are going to be a major focus for employers in the coming year. It's also important to look at the workplace itself and focus on manager training and creating a healthier work environment to help prevent burnout and other employee issues.

Action items

Technical terms

Child Care
The provision of care for children, typically by a parent or other family member, or by a paid caregiver.
Mental Health
A person's emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It is important to understand that mental health is not the absence of mental illness.
A concept that recognizes and celebrates the diversity of human brains and minds, and the different ways of thinking and perceiving the world.
Employee Benefits
A range of non-wage compensations provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries.
Financial Wellness
The ability to manage one's finances in a way that allows them to meet their short-term and long-term financial goals.
Retirement Readiness
The ability to plan and prepare for retirement in order to ensure a secure financial future.
Diversity Initiatives
Programs and policies designed to increase the representation of people from different backgrounds in an organization.
Manager Training
Training programs designed to help managers develop the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage their teams.
A state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.

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