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Die Schweiz konnte heuer erstmals mehr Kase importieren als exportieren


In diesem Artikel wird darüber berichtet, dass die Schweiz heuer erstmalig mehr Käse importieren als exportieren konnte. Der Grund dafür ist der Freihandel im Käsemarkt zwischen der Schweiz und der EU seit 2007. Da die Produktion von Käse in der Schweiz wegen der höheren Produktionskosten teurer ist als jene in der EU, werden tendenziell billigere Produkte nachgefragt, was zu einer negativen Handelsbilanz führt. Der Inlandanteil des Käsekonsums beträgt 64%, obwohl es einen leichten Anstieg dieses Anteils im Jahr 2022 gab.


What caused the Swiss cheese trade deficit to worsen in recent years?
The free trade agreement between Switzerland and the EU has caused the Swiss cheese trade deficit to worsen in recent years.

How do the production costs of Swiss cheese affect the trade deficit?
The higher production costs of Swiss cheese make it more expensive than cheese produced in the EU, which increases the trade deficit.

What types of cheese do the Swiss mostly import and export?
The Swiss mostly import soft and fresh cheeses such as mozzarella, brie, and quark, and export hard cheeses such as Greyerzer, Appenzeller, and Emmentaler.

What impact does the low demand for high-end Swiss cheese have on the trade deficit?
The low demand for high-end Swiss cheese has a negative impact on the trade deficit as it reduces the value of Swiss cheese exports.

How does the domestic consumption of Swiss cheese contribute to the trade deficit?
The domestic consumption of Swiss cheese does not have a direct impact on the trade deficit.

AI Comments

👍 Dieser Artikel beleuchtet das Phänomen der Käseimporte in die Schweiz sehr detailliert und informativ.

👎 Dieser Artikel geht nur auf die negativen Auswirkungen der Käseimporte in die Schweiz ein und liefert keine positiven Aspekte.

AI Discussion

Me: The article talks about the implications of Switzerland importing more cheese than it exports for the first time. It looks at the reasons behind the change in the import-export balance and the implications it could have for the Swiss dairy industry.

Friend: That's interesting. What do you think are the main implications for the dairy industry?

Me: Well, the article suggests that increased competition from the EU due to free trade in the cheese market has led to more imports. This has had an impact on the trade balance, which is likely to remain negative for the foreseeable future. This means that the Swiss dairy industry will have to find other markets to export its products to, and also focus on more value-added products to remain competitive. Ultimately, this could lead to fewer jobs and lower revenues for the industry.

Action items

Technical terms

The balance of trade between two countries, which is the difference between the value of exports and imports.
Free trade, which is the unrestricted purchase and sale of goods and services between countries without the imposition of tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions.
Competitive pressure, which is the pressure that businesses face from other businesses in the same industry.
Value creation, which is the process of creating value for customers, shareholders, and other stakeholders.
Domestic share, which is the percentage of a product or service that is produced or consumed within a country.

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