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Help — Dark Reader


Dark Reader is a browser extension that allows users to modify the brightness, contrast, sepia and saturation of websites, as well as customize settings for individual websites. It can be accessed through the extensions button near the address bar. The extension is open source and does not collect any data. It also works on iOS/macOS apps and can be supported through donations or by installing sponsors' apps and extensions. FAQs and contact information are provided in the article.


How can I display the Dark Reader icon?
To display the icon, click the Extensions button next to the address bar and then another button next to Dark Reader.

What can I adjust in the Filter settings?
Adjust the mode, brightness, contrast, sepia, and saturation ("grayscale") settings.

What are the different theme generation modes?
Filter, Filter+, Static, and Dynamic.

What are some tips for advanced users?
Visit the Tips & Tricks website section, install the iOS/macOS app, install sponsors' apps and extensions, donate, and suggest to friends and colleagues.

How can I support Dark Reader?
Install the iOS/macOS app, install sponsors' apps and extensions, donate, and suggest to friends and colleagues.

AI Comments

👍 This article is incredibly detailed and provides an in-depth look at the features of Dark Reader. It also provides helpful tips and tricks for more advanced users.

👎 The article is a bit too long and could be condensed down for easier reading. The options and settings are also somewhat confusing to the average user.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the features of an extension called Dark Reader. It talks about the toggle site button, filter settings, custom site settings, site list, more tab, theme generation modes, bottom section, and tips for advanced users.

Friend: Wow, that's a lot of features! What are the implications of the article?

Me: Well, the article provides a lot of useful information about how to install and use the Dark Reader extension. It also explains the different settings and modes that are available, which can help users customize the extension to their preferences. Additionally, the article outlines the various ways a user can support the extension, such as installing the iOS/macOS app, donating, or suggesting to friends and colleagues. Finally, it provides answers to some frequently asked questions, which can be helpful for users who are having trouble using the extension.

Action items

Technical terms

A type of software that adds extra features to a web browser.
Keyboard shortcuts that allow users to quickly access certain functions.
CSS Filters
A type of code used to modify the appearance of a web page.
SVG Filters
A type of code used to modify the appearance of vector graphics.
Sub-pixel Rendering
A type of rendering technique used to improve the appearance of text on a computer screen.
A method of raising money for a project or venture by asking a large number of people to contribute small amounts.
Open Collective
A platform that enables individuals and organizations to collect and manage funds.
A payment processing platform.
CSS Selectors
A type of code used to identify and select elements on a web page.
Obfuscated Code
Code that has been deliberately made difficult to understand.
The process of generating revenue from a product or service.
New Tab Page
The page that appears when a new tab is opened in a web browser.
Browser Theme
A type of software that changes the appearance of a web browser.
Incognito Mode
A mode in a web browser that prevents browsing history from being stored.
Local Files
Files stored on a computer's hard drive.
Mac OS
An operating system developed by Apple.
Video Drivers
Software that allows a computer to interact with a video card.

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