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A Virtual Table for One, Please


This article explores how smart scheduling tools can help small business owners and independent contractors better manage their time to sustain their business, while also finding time to do the work they are paid for. It discusses how users of these tools need to find a balance between meeting with people and having time for independent work. The article suggests that "booking a meeting with yourself" is a best practice for these users to ensure that they have time to do their quality work. It also describes how this practice can provide an opportunity for users to think more carefully about how they are spending their time.


What did the users of smart scheduling tools interviewed in the article have in common?
The users of smart scheduling tools interviewed in the article had in common the need to meet with people to sustain their business, but also needing time away from people to do their work.

How did using automated scheduling tools make it difficult for users to find time to get work done?
Using automated scheduling tools made it difficult for users to find time to get work done because these tools made it easier for clients to book with them, and some tools were even designed to optimize the number of meetings that a user books.

What has research shown about the importance of uninterrupted time to accomplish creative or complex tasks?
Research has shown that people need time free of interruptions to get independent work done, especially when that work is creative or complex.

What was the best practice users found with automated calendaring software?
The best practice users found with automated calendaring software was to block out their own time or schedule a meeting with themselves.

What benefits did some users find from implementing smart calendaring software?
The benefits some users found from implementing smart calendaring software was that it contrived an opportunity for them to think more carefully about how they spent their time and to proactively place times for complex tasks on their calendar.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article that provides actionable advice on how to better manage our time and take care of ourselves. It is encouraging to see how users of smart scheduling tools have found ways to be responsive to clients while also booking time for independent work.

👎 This article glosses over the fact that some people don't have the luxury of blocking out their own time and need to be available to clients to stay afloat. It also doesn't address how to set boundaries with clients to ensure you have enough time to do your work.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how scheduling a meeting with yourself is essential when outsourcing calendar management to technology. It talks about how it can be hard for people to find time to do their own work when they're busy meeting with clients, and suggests that blocking out time for yourself and scheduling a meeting with yourself can help you be more productive.

Friend: That's really interesting. It makes sense that having time for yourself would be important if you're trying to manage your own calendar and be productive. It's definitely a challenge to balance having enough time to meet with clients and make money, but also having time to do your own work.

Me: Yeah, it definitely is. It's a tricky balance. And the article also talks about how automated scheduling tools can make it easier for clients to book with you, but that it can be hard to get that quiet time to do your own work. So, it suggests that scheduling a meeting with yourself can help you be more productive and get your own work done.

Action items

Technical terms

Smart Scheduling Tools
Software applications that allow users to manage their calendar and schedule meetings with other people.
Automated Scheduling Tools
Software applications that automatically schedule meetings and appointments for users.
Time Famine
A situation in which there is not enough time to complete all of the tasks that need to be done.
Deep Work
A type of work that requires intense focus and concentration.
Virtual Table for One
A metaphor for taking time to focus on yourself and your own needs.

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