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How to Plan and Run Effective Meetings (In 7 Questions)


This article discusses how to plan and run effective meetings. It explains that many employees face meetings overload in their workplace and that bad meetings are wasting time and money. Seven essential questions are provided to ensure productive meetings: why do you need the meeting, what is the desired outcome, where should it take place, which people should attend, who will facilitate it, how should it be structured, and when should it take place. By asking these questions, it will help ensure productive and effective meetings.


What is the one thing that wastes most of people's time at work?

What is the average amount of time executives spend in meetings per week?
Nearly 23 hours per week

What are the consequences of having unproductive and ineffective meetings?
They are wasting people's time and losing money.

What are the essential questions to ask when organizing or attending a meeting to ensure it is productive?
Why, what, where, which, who, how and when.

How can organizations improve the quality and effectiveness of their meetings?
By asking the right questions and ensuring that meetings are necessary and have a clear purpose.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a great framework for planning and running effective meetings. It is clear and easy to follow, and it shows how to ask the right questions to ensure a productive meeting.

👎 This article does not address the challenges of running meetings with large groups or how to manage virtual meetings.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how to plan and run effective meetings. It talks about the seven essential questions we need to ask to ensure productive meetings.

Friend: Interesting. What are the seven questions?

Me: The seven questions are why, what, where, which, who, how and when. These questions help us to determine the purpose of the meeting and who should attend, as well as figure out what topics should be discussed and how the meeting should be structured. It also helps us to figure out what outcomes we hope to achieve from the meeting.

Friend: That's really helpful. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the implications are that we need to be more mindful when it comes to arranging meetings. We need to ask the right questions to ensure that the meeting will be productive and effective. We also need to think about the outcomes of the meeting and how long it should last. If we plan our meetings properly, it can save us time and money, and help us to get the most out of our meetings.

Action items

Technical terms

Member-only story
A story that is only available to members of a particular group or organization.
Leadership Unlocked
A website that provides resources and advice on leadership.
Harvard Business Review
A magazine published by Harvard Business School that focuses on management and business topics.
Questions that are used to elicit information.
A person who helps a group of people to work together effectively.

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