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¿Cual es tu Placer Culpable?


This article discusses the concept of "guilty pleasures" and how they can be used as a form of social connection. It looks at how traditional social strategies, such as spending time with a friend in person, don't necessarily work better for people than non-traditional strategies like listening to music alone. It also explores how activities like watching TV, playing video games, or reading can be used as a way to fill the "social fuel tank" and provide a feeling of connection. The article ultimately encourages people to not feel guilty about these activities and to embrace them as a form of social connection.


What are some "guilty pleasures" that people have engaged in during the coronavirus pandemic?
Some "guilty pleasures" that people have engaged in during the coronavirus pandemic include watching television series, listening to music, reading fiction novels, playing video games, watching Netflix movies, and watching personal development videos.

What is the "social fuel tank" concept?
The "social fuel tank" concept is a measure of a person's wellbeing and social connections.

What is the difference between traditional and non-traditional social strategies?
Traditional social strategies involve typical social relationships such as spending time with friends, family gatherings, and dates, while non-traditional social strategies involve activities such as cooking comforting meals, reading books, playing video games, and listening to music.

What is the importance of social connection during the coronavirus pandemic?
The importance of social connection during the coronavirus pandemic is that it is a basic human need and can help people feel connected and less anxious, nervous, or depressed.

How can people embrace their guilty pleasures while still satisfying their need for social connection?
People can embrace their guilty pleasures while still satisfying their need for social connection by using a combination of traditional and non-traditional social strategies.

AI Comments

👍 This article presents a unique and interesting perspective on the idea of guilty pleasures during the coronavirus pandemic. It provides an insightful look into the different strategies people use to feel connected during this time.

👎 The article is too long and it could have been condensed into a shorter piece. There are some parts that could have been left out and it detracts from the overall message.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the concept of guilty pleasures and how they can be beneficial during the coronavirus pandemic. It talks about the importance of our need for connection and how it can be met through traditional and non-traditional strategies. It also talks about not feeling guilty about engaging in activities that are seen as "guilty pleasures" during this time.

Friend: That's really interesting. So it's basically saying that it's ok to take some time for ourselves and do things that make us happy, even if they are seen as questionable or not socially acceptable?

Me: Exactly. It's saying that it's important to have a variety of activities that can help us feel connected to others and that don't have to be traditional social strategies. We can engage in activities like watching TV, playing video games, or reading books to satisfy our need for connection, and that it's ok to do so during this pandemic.

Action items

Technical terms

Placeres culpables
Activities that make us feel guilty, even though they are not necessarily bad.
Estado de alarma
State of emergency, usually referring to a period of time when a government has declared a state of emergency due to a crisis.
Serie de televisión
Television series, a show that is broadcast on television with multiple episodes.
Video games, interactive games that are played on a computer or gaming console.
Marathon, a long-distance running event.
Desarrollo personal
Personal development, the process of improving oneself in areas such as physical, mental, and emotional health.
A video conferencing platform.
A video calling platform.
Estrategias sociales tradicionales
Traditional social strategies, such as spending time with friends or family.
Estrategias sociales no tradicionales
Non-traditional social strategies, such as listening to music or playing video games.
Universidad de Buffalo
University at Buffalo, a public research university in Buffalo, New York.
Self and Identity
A journal that publishes research on the self and identity.
Dra. Shira Gabriel
Dr. Shira Gabriel, a professor of psychology at the University of Buffalo.
Cocinar comidas reconfortantes
Cooking comfort food, preparing meals that are comforting and familiar.
Tanque de combustible social
Social fuel tank, a measure of one's social well-being.
Sentido de pertenencia
Sense of belonging, the feeling of being connected to a group or community.
Estrategias tradicionales
Traditional strategies, such as spending time with friends or family.
Estrategias no tradicionales
Non-traditional strategies, such as listening to music or playing video games.
Sustitutos sociales
Social substitutes, activities that are seen as a substitute for real social interaction.
To hack, to gain unauthorized access to a computer system.

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