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How lobbying has stalled climate action


The article discusses how since the climate talks began in 1995, the fossil fuel industry has invested heavily in lobbyists, thinktanks and rogue academics in an attempt to slow political action on the climate crisis. It highlights the example of the almost ceaseless campaign against onshore windfarms in the UK, which has been going on for years and has been successful in convincing many MPs that their constituents would be opposed to them. The article shows how powerful lobbying can be in holding back action on the climate crisis.


How has lobbying been used to slow political action on climate change?
The fossil fuel industry has been investing heavily in lobbyists, thinktanks and rogue academics in an attempt to slow political action.

What tactics have been employed when outright denial of climate crisis is untenable?
Other tactics such as the almost ceaseless campaign against onshore windfarms have been employed.

What is the public opinion on onshore windfarms?
The public opinion on onshore windfarms is that only 14% are opposed to them and 56% would be happy to have them nearby.

What is the difference between the public opinion and that of members of parliament on onshore windfarms?
The difference between the public opinion and that of members of parliament on onshore windfarms is that 47% of MPs still think voters would oppose onshore windfarms with only 17% expecting constituents would be in favour.

How powerful is lobbying in slowing action on the climate crisis?
Lobbying is very powerful in holding back action on the climate crisis.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a great insight into the power of lobbying and the tactics being employed to stall climate action. It also shows the importance of environmental activism in pushing for faster action.

👎 This article paints an overly bleak picture of the situation, failing to mention any progress that has been made in the fight against climate change.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how lobbying has stalled climate action. It talks about how the fossil fuel industry has been investing heavily in lobbyists, thinktanks and rogue academics in an attempt to slow political action. It even gives the example of how the campaigns against onshore windfarms have been so powerful in holding back action on the climate crisis.

Friend: Wow, that's really concerning. It's hard to believe that these powerful industries are able to influence the political process in this way. It's really concerning that they are able to hold back climate action.

Me: Absolutely. It's really important that we push for stronger regulations and oversight of these industries so that they can't continue to influence the political process in this way. We need to make sure that our politicians are advocating for climate action and not just pandering to these powerful lobbies.

Action items

Technical terms

The act of attempting to influence decisions made by government officials, typically by individuals or groups representing a particular interest.
Organizations that conduct research and provide advice on public policy issues.
Rogue academics
Academics who are not affiliated with any institution and who may have unorthodox views on a particular subject.
Onshore windfarms
Wind turbines located on land, typically used to generate electricity.
Members of Parliament, elected representatives in the UK.
Information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

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