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20 Strategies For HR Departments To Evolve Their Hiring Practices


HR departments and hiring managers can widen their pool of applicants by understanding the difference between essential and non-essential skills for a given job. The experts from Forbes Human Resources Council share how to shift hiring practices to make space for applicants who may not meet ideal expectations, such as encouraging applicants who may appear underqualified, looking for candidates who are passionate and have a good attitude, and focusing on outcomes rather than rigid requirements. By considering transferable skills, attitude and motivation, and being prepared to train candidates, HR leaders can create a more diverse and inclusive workforce.


What strategies can HR departments use to shift their hiring practices?
HR departments can use strategies such as describing what skills are necessary in job descriptions, inviting more applicants with clearer expectations, differentiating required skills from skills that are nice to have, looking for what candidates offer beyond the "wish list", encouraging applicants who may appear underqualified, looking for passionate candidates who align with the company's culture, accounting for applicants' skills and attitude, focusing on outcomes to make space for more applicants, considering all candidates who meet the basic requirements, looking for candidates who are willing to learn, keeping job postings simple to let candidates shine, evaluating which skills are truly necessary for new hires, easing expectations for entry level positions, looking for transferable skills and potential for growth, prioritizing applicants with strong soft skills and providing training for hard skills, understanding a candidate's attitude can balance a lack of experience, understanding the organization's needs, looking for candidates with growth mindsets during interviews, and determining which skills are necessary and which are open to compromise.

What is the difference between non-negotiable and nice-to-have skills for a job posting?
Non-negotiable skills are those that are essential for the job and must be met in order for a candidate to be considered, while nice-to-have skills are those that are beneficial but not essential.

How can job descriptions be improved to attract a larger pool of applicants?
Job descriptions can be improved to attract a larger pool of applicants by clearly separating non-negotiable and nice-to-have skills, being clear on what is desirable, beneficial and preferred versus what is required or mandatory, and casting a wide net to account for transferable skills, diverse interpretations and training.

What are some qualities HR leaders should look for when evaluating potential hires?
When evaluating potential hires, HR leaders should look for passion and curiosity that align with the business mission and goals, transferable skills and competencies that can add value to teams, attitude and cultural fit, proven history of skilling up and adapting on the job, foundational knowledge for the role requirements, the ability to be coached, and a willingness to learn and adapt.

How can HR departments prioritize job requirements to ensure qualified candidates are not overlooked?
HR departments can prioritize job requirements by drawing a line under the last must-have, considering candidates who have at least half the requirements, ambition and desire to learn, and looking beyond the lens of fit based on job descriptions to how transferable skills and competencies can add value to teams.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides great strategies for HR departments to evolve their hiring practices and to invite a larger pool of applicants. It gives useful tips on how to be more inclusive and to look for passion and cultural fit when hiring.

👎 This article does not provide enough concrete examples or advice on how to differentiate required skills from nice-to-have ones. It also does not provide any guidance on how to evaluate candidates' skills and attitude.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about 20 strategies for HR departments to evolve their hiring practices. It talks about how job descriptions should clarify what skills are necessary versus what can be acquired through training. It also suggests that they look for candidates who have passion and potential to learn, rather than simply meeting every requirement.

Friend: That's interesting. It could have a lot of implications for how organizations hire people.

Me: Absolutely. It could lead to more diverse and inclusive hiring practices, since they won't be so focused on finding the perfect candidate. It could also mean that more candidates are willing to apply, even if they don't meet all the requirements. Plus, it could help create opportunities for on-the-job training and growth.

Action items

Technical terms

HR Departments
Human Resources Departments, which are responsible for managing personnel within an organization.
Artificial Intelligence, which is a type of computer technology that can learn and adapt to its environment.
Senior Management Role
A position of authority within an organization, typically at the executive level.
Cookieless World
A world in which online tracking of users is not possible due to the lack of cookies.
Digital Marketing Agency
A company that specializes in providing digital marketing services, such as website design, search engine optimization, and social media marketing.
Board (Document) Resume
A document that outlines the qualifications and experience of a potential board member.
Transferable Skills
Skills that can be applied to different jobs or tasks.
Soft Skills
Personal qualities, such as communication and problem-solving, that are not easily quantifiable.
Hard Skills
Technical skills, such as coding or accounting, that are easily quantifiable.

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