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The Third Arrow


This article discusses the concept of the “third arrow,” which is a Buddhist metaphor for suffering caused by our reactions to our reactions. It explores the idea that our reactions to our emotions, such as judgement, can cause even more suffering and can be difficult to break out of. The article emphasizes the importance of acceptance of our emotions, no matter how difficult they may be, and encourages us to detach from the stories our emotions tell us in order to reduce suffering.


What is the "third arrow" referred to in the article?
The "third arrow" referred to in the article is the reaction to our reaction to life's events.

What did the author do as a groomsperson?
As a groomsperson, the author's duties included running errands, posing for photos, making small talk with guests, firing a confetti cannon, and getting money for the band.

How can accepting negative emotions help us?
Accepting negative emotions can help us by allowing us to face the fact that they have made themselves at home, unpacked their things, and put their feet up on the couch. This can help us to make peace with our inner demons and lessen their power to frighten us.

What does Ram Dass say about the spiritual path?
Ram Dass says that the spiritual path is not about destroying our neuroses, but changing the way in which we relate to them.

What is the Buddhist concept of the "second arrow"?
The Buddhist concept of the "second arrow" is that if we are shot with an arrow, it will hurt. But if our response to the calamity is to curse our luck, hate the person who shot us, judge ourselves, or worry about what will become of our family, then we might as well have shot ourselves with another arrow. The first arrow represents pain, the second represents suffering.

AI Comments

👍 I really appreciate the thoughtful and insightful way this article approaches the complex issue of understanding and accepting our emotions. It provides a great perspective on understanding the cycle of emotions and how to break out of it.

👎 This article is too long and overly philosophical. It's hard to grasp the concept of the "third arrow" without a more concise explanation.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about dealing with emotional reactions, and how we can be mindful of our reactions to our reactions. It's called "The Third Arrow."

Friend: Interesting. So what are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article talks about the idea of the "second arrow," which is when we react to pain with more suffering. It talks about how our automatic reactions become entrenched, and how we can become attached to our emotions. The implications are that we should strive to become aware of our reactions and how we are responding to them, so that we can try to avoid the "third arrow" of judging ourselves for our reactions. We should strive to be at peace with our emotions, and to accept that they are there without identifying with them. This can help to weaken their power and allow us to move through them, instead of getting stuck in a cycle of repeated and painful reactions.

Action items

Technical terms

A person who assists the groom in wedding-related activities.
Confetti Cannon
A device that shoots out confetti.
Wabi Sabi
A Japanese aesthetic that values the beauty of imperfection.
A deeply distressing or disturbing experience.
Feelings about feelings.
Second Arrow
A Buddhist concept that refers to the suffering caused by our reactions to pain.
Third Arrow
A concept that refers to the suffering caused by our reactions to our reactions to pain.

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